
Starting the solid food

At the four month check, I ask Pediatricion when can I start the solid. Doctor said I can start to try some rice cereal from 4 month old. But don't force him to eat it if he doesn't like it. Try it some other time.

So I started the rice cereal. He like it. Just don't know how to swallow it. He is learning. I'm fine with that. I try to feed him every couple days.

At the 6 month check, Doctor said I can let him taste everything now. From 6-9 month is the time for baby to taste every kind of food. So we can see what are the food Ian likes and doesn't like. But as for the juice, Doctor told us to give him juice after he can drink water from a cup. So I guess the juice needs to wait. Sorry, Ian.
" 在滿四個月後就可以開始餵他吃米精(rice cereal), 但是,不要強迫他,如果他有意願吃就餵他,如果他不願意,就改天再試試。"
所以,我開始嘗試餵他米精(rice cereal),沒想到他還挺喜歡的,只是,不知道怎麼吞,所以還在學習。我也不強迫他,總之,幾天才餵他一次。6個月的回診時,醫生說可以開始餵他食物泥,6-9個月是寶寶嘗試所有的食物的時期,也可以開始餵他開水了,但是果汁要等到他可以自己從杯子喝水之後才能給他喝。所以,我們便開始餵食物泥的歷險了,看看哪些食物是奕凱喜歡的,哪些是他討厭的。

