
Ian and his Uncle John

When I was pregnant, my mom told me:

" It is said that if the first born was a boy, he will look more like his mother's brother. If the first born was a girl, she will look more like her father's sister."

This is funny because it works on me. I am the first born and look more like my father's sister. So my mom was worried if my baby looks like my brother-John.

" What's wrong with John? He is a handsome young man." I said.

When Ian was born, he looked like me--actually he looked exactly like John. When I saw him for the first time, I saw Jonn in him. As he grows older, he looks more like his daddy now. But there is one face that never change-- his #1 face--still looks like John. Because John has the same face even now. I love to see his # 1 face. It always makes me smile. He looks so cute with that face,too.
" 人家說第一個孩子如果是女生,會長的像姑姑,如果是男生,會長的像舅舅!"
" 那有什麼不好,冠捷長的濃眉大眼的,很男生阿!"

